$ACORE Token
Last updated
Last updated
Contract Address: 0x1c92e17cd1893e8535f48b03fe1207a1b12eaeab
$ACORE tokens are revenue shares in Auto Core, through which holders earn profits generated by Auto Core when staked, and are entitled to vote on important platform decisions.
$ACORE is also the native governance token of Auto Core. By staking it in a $ACORE Pool, $WCORE Pool or any $ACORE liquidity vault, or by simply holding this token in your wallet, users can take part in the DAO decision-making governance processes of Auto Core.
Users do not need to un-stake their tokens to participate in the voting process. This incentivizes much more voter participation as it means users donβt miss rewards. More details of the voting procedure are available on the Governance page.
Hold $ACORE to participate in DAO
Earn staking rewards by staking in single staking pools (flexible & locked).
Earn profits from the investments we do through DAO.
Yield Farming.
High APY Vault on our DAPP.
Main currency in our on chain games.
By holding $ACORE, you can access Boosted Vaults on our DAPP.
Public Sale
40% (400,000 $ACORE)
100% at TGE
10% (100,000 $ACORE)
10% at TGE & 10% linear monthly.
20% (200,000 $ACORE)
10% at TGE & 10% linear monthly.
10% (100,000 $ACORE)
10% at TGE & 10% linear monthly.
20% (200,000 $ACORE)
100% at TGE to add liquidity.
Contract Address: 0x1c92e17cd1893e8535f48b03fe1207a1b12eaeab
Core Scan: https://scan.coredao.org/token/0x1c92e17cd1893e8535f48b03fe1207a1b12eaeab
Network: Core Chain
Max Supply: 1,000,000
Initial M.Cap: $110,000